10 Documentos Administrativos O Legales

Every company for its perfect operation needs a work plan and organization for the proper functioning of its departments and achieves quality in terms of goods and services offered, in this article you can read some examples of administrative documents that we invite you to read. With this resource, you can simplify agreements, simplify document preparation and organization, and control the contract lifecycle. Given the connection or imminent development of a business relationship with a supplier or customer, it is imperative to create legal documents that set out the obligations and rights of both parties. For legal documents to be valid and legitimate, there must be two distinguishing features: they must be signed by the persons concerned and be provided with the appropriate seal of authenticity. In the following lines, I will give a small summary of the most common legal documents: in view of Article 26.1 of Law 39/2015, it is necessary to distinguish between a public administrative document and other documents that can be issued by the administration. In addition, you need to understand what it means for you to accept this document with your signature. Therefore, it is necessary that you learn to read them and understand their content. Its language is very different from other texts, such as literary texts. Watch the following video on the language of legal documents up close. In most of the different legal documents that exist, there are two basic principles to give the document in question a certain “validity”: administrative documents are the medium in which the various acts of public administration occur, the external form of these actions. Among the various legal documents that exist, one can distinguish those issued by an official authority (such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, military cards, business cards, death certificates, passports, driver`s license and various proofs of identity), which are legal documents that belong to documents usually issued by the government or by a government agency of an official nature.

Administrative documents serve as a means of communication for the actions of the same administration. This communication is both internal – between the units that make up the administrative and external organisation – of the administration with citizens and with other organisations. Other of these documents are the written medium of transactions or transactions that we have with different people. Thanks to them, we can validate, certify or prove who we are and what we buy or receive. We carried out a bibliographic review of administrative documents and their impact on web search engines and Law 39/2015 of 1 October on the Joint Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and, although to a lesser extent, Law 40/2015 of 1 October (BOE of 2) of the Public Sector Legal System. Individuals are the senders and the administration, the recipient. These are not in themselves administrative documents, but the citizen participates in the administrative activity and thus initiates an administrative procedure. These types of documents are essential when it is necessary to give guarantees to the parties when they sign an agreement on something specific. Document. There are different types of legal documents, the most important and comprehensive of which include: birth certificate, voter card, certificate of studies, CURP, passport, title and professional card, military card, driver`s license among many others.

Our platform has become a reference in the market because it offers a fantastic user experience that allows you to sign, manage and send legal documents quickly and without inconvenience. In the most important documents we find affidavits because they allow to confirm a future fact or event by an oral oath, personal or non-personal or written. As such, this content is considered true until the actions prove otherwise, in any case, an affidavit before the law is considered true and binding. Below we summarize the most commonly used management documents in the public and private sectors: The proper functioning and continuity of a company`s activities in the market are directly related to the quality of its legal documents. Legal documents are essential to ensure compliance and best practices in an organization. Documents that are not intended to have an effect, such as summaries, cannot be classified as an administrative document. Excerpts, etc. Administrative documents always produce effects vis-à-vis third parties OR in the administrative organisation itself.

As we have already mentioned, administrative documents are very diverse. Nevertheless, some are the most commonly used in different areas of society. The administrative documents we create when using our functions act as the main communication with citizens, so we must be professional in the processing of information. These documents refer to those that the company prepares to be shown abroad, and then we explain them: these writings are essential to ensure the continuity of the connection and compliance with the clauses they cover. Even the documents in question contain points that clarify possible fines and sanctions in the event that one of the parties does not comply with the agreement. There are two main functions that administrative documents perform: they are other very valuable documents that will be present practically throughout our lives. They are used to certify the ownership of real estate, in the case of deeds and the ownership of a vehicle, in the case of the registration title of the vehicle. Some of these documents can be discarded immediately, but others need to be kept longer, even permanently, in good condition and at hand.

Examples of legal documents are birth certificates, deeds or deeds of property; and administrative documents such as contracts, invoices or receipts. These types of documents are generally issued by the bodies that regulate each profession and allow the practice of the profession. Now that you know the examples of administrative documents, we tell you that they are of great importance for the organization of a company, because they promote communication and good business performance. Essentially, the digitization of the management of legal documents makes it possible to centralize them. Thus, executives and executives can easily access and use them when needed, which promotes much faster and more accurate decision-making. There are different types of legal documents and for very different purposes, although the most common or the most known or never processed: as you can see, it is possible to optimize the management of these documents by taking simple measures, such as: Given their concept and elements, we see that legal documents serve as evidence before the competent authorities and other people. This is due to the mutual recognition of its legitimacy and the presentation of civil law aspects that are explicit in its content. In the day of a company, it is necessary to emphasize that, as with everything in business, it is better to leave everything in writing. In this context, we can see the importance of administrative documents, as they are part of an agreement between two or more people, hierarchical decisions or simply a warm announcement to employees. However, no administrative document is less important, everything has a reason to do so, in this case we must be aware that, in addition to accounts, the fact that the approval of any misunderstanding, any difficult situation, among other things, is crucial to get rid of misadventures. Therefore, we present below 10 examples of administrative documents that will greatly facilitate online research in case of starting such an organization.

Administrative documents also represent a channel for communicating all events that have occurred in the administrative unit. You must have good language skills, as a simple spelling or grammar mistake could change the meaning of legal documents. Have a friendly relationship with customers and discretion at all times. Privacy is very important because you have access to a lot of customers` personal data. You should also be interested in legal aspects and legal terminology. Citizens` documents are characterized by their anti-formalism, so they can represent any type of structure, although there are also models of the generalized instance in administrations. The aim is to serve as a guide for citizens and facilitate their relations with the administration. Legal documents are all documents that are used to verify facts, events, actions and various activities.
