A/A/O Legal Abbreviation

See also “Display” above. “vs.” is used in most scientific writings in other fields, but “v.” only in legal writing. It is common in legal documents to cite other publications using standard abbreviations for the title of each source. Abbreviations can also be found for common words or legal phrases. These citations and abbreviations can be found in court decisions, laws, ordinances, journal articles, books, and other documents. Below is a basic list of very common abbreviations. Because publishers use different practices when it comes to printing abbreviations, it may happen that abbreviations with or without a period are given for each letter. For example, the Code of Federal Regulations may appear abbreviated as “C.F.R.” or simply “CFR.” For legal abbreviations that were not found online, look for one of the following printed sources. These publications can be found regularly in legal and other libraries. Below are the acronyms and abbreviations used in the Washington Legal Researcher`s Deskbook 3d, which is commonly found in Washington legal documents. The list contains publications (full titles are in italics); bar associations and legal organizations; Federal and state authorities, committees, commissions and departments; Legal conditions; Court order; Statutes; and electronic databases and services. This is a representative and non-exhaustive list.

“A/A/O.” Abbreviations.com. STAND4 LLC, 2022 Web. 27 September 2022. . For abbreviations not on this list, here are some other websites to look for: Adapted from: Washington Legal Researcher`s Deskbook, 3d, pages 263-69 (2002). A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Log in or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. A.P.

– A.P.P. – A.T.C.L – A.T.S. – A/A – A/b – A/C – A/CH – A/CNK – A/D. You`ll also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have (or are passionate) language-related jobs. Participation is free and the site has a strict privacy policy. Hyperlinks have been added for certain court rules, federal and state agencies, publications, and organizations. Further links to the Legal Library catalogue records for certain publications are provided.
