Camp Henry Legal Office Hours

The legal department handles claims for and against the Air Force arising from incidents at the Sites of joint base San Antonio. To file a complaint, please contact your local office. Household Goods Issues: The Legal Service provides legal advice to the Wing Commander, as well as to subordinate units and partner commands, on a range of disciplinary matters in the context of the global mission. We enable commanders to maintain good order and discipline through the efficient and fair administration of military justice, ranging from administrative measures to general courts martial. Appointments can be made at the following address: Walk in Services temporarily suspended The judge-lawyer provides individuals and organizations with timely and targeted legal services in the areas of military justice, adverse administrative actions and ethics, civil, operational, environmental, labor and contract law. The judge-lawyer provides preventive law and legal assistance. For powers of attorney, go to to design a power of attorney spreadsheet. Once a ticket number has been generated, call your local law firm to make an appointment with that ticket number. JBSA law firms are closed every family day and on federal holidays of the AETC. Law firms may be closed on other days for training or special events. Notary / Powers of Attorney Walk-in hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:30 p.m.

Apprentices: Walk-in service at all times during business hours Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. Closed Friday: from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Retired military personnel and their loved ones. If you are a retired Reservist or a guard in a “grey area” or a relative of one of them, you must receive pension money to be eligible for service. Please note that you must have military identification to be eligible. Other people in special circumstances may be eligible if they have valid military identification.

Asan, South Korea; Seoul, South Korea; Jirisan National Park, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Sukjeongmun Gate Main: 763-1492 Email: [email protected] Website: Usa v. E-3, Camp Humphrey, South Korea. A soldier is accused of attacking four Koreans, making false official statements and disrespecting a non-commissioned officer. Mr. Gapasin defends this soldier and represents him for an extrajudicial sentence with a possible court martial. After a conversation with Gapasin, Soldier is willing to opt for a court martial instead of extrajudicial sentences. After Gapasin`s involvement in the case, the United States did not move forward. RESULT: The appeal is dismissed. Active Duty Reserve and Guard Members and Their Dependents Representing a Military Member for the alleged theft of more than $60,000 in PX items in South Korea for several months. Walk-in services have been temporarily suspended. Office hours: Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m.

to 3 p.m. Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Representation of a soldier for his alleged act of assaulting a South Korean taxi driver with a knife. United States vs E-5, Camp Casey, South Korea. The sergeant is accused of sexually assaulting a female soldier and then attacking and assaulting two other non-commissioned officers in the same incident. The sergeant stubbornly denies having sexually assaulted this soldier despite the testimony of an opposing witness. Mr. Gapasin represents him during the ongoing investigation and a possible general court martial. Mr.

Gapasin began an investigation by contacting several witnesses. Witnesses reveal that the prosecutor flirted with Mr. Gapasin`s client all night shortly before the alleged incident. Mr. Gapasin contacted the OSJA about the case. Within one month, the proceedings against Gapasin`s client will be discontinued. RESULT: Indictment DISMISSED, NO federal convictions, NO sex offender registration. United States v. E-2, Yongsan Garrison, South Korea.

A young soldier is accused of stabbing an alleged victim during a gang brawl in Itaewon, just outside the Yongsan garrison in Seoul, South Korea. Court testimony and videotape show that Gapasin`s client did not stab the alleged victim. RESULT: Full acquittal. NO federal conviction, NO imprisonment, NO exoneration. The GAPASIN LAW GROUP handles cases throughout Korea. We travel frequently to be physically available to represent you. We systematically represent military personnel stationed in Korea and travel frequently to be physically present at your pre-trial, section 32 hearing, hearing and trial, as well as at your separation committee. If you are under investigation or have been charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, CONTACT US TODAY. Latitude, Longitude 37.9095336167702, 127.02392578125 The representation of a member of the service who was allegedly involved in the distribution of products on the black market in South Korea.

United States v. E-6, Camp Henry, Daegu, South Korea. The staff sergeant is charged with abusive sexual interference and attempted sexual assault on a drunk corporal. The incident began at a dance club in Seoul`s Itaewon District and ended in the corporal`s barracks in the army`s Yongsan garrison. Two recruited witnesses testified that they saw the staff sergeant without trousers on and on or above the incapable corporal in their barracks room while he was alone. This happened after she vomited while getting out of a taxi with the staff sergeant when they went to the barracks. In addition to the two witnesses, the CCTV barracks recorded a video of the staff sergeant leaving his room alone without putting on his shoes.
