If the law does not©really prescribe dates or©deadlines for the payment of wages, then in addition©to the 30-day period between two payments, the situation of each company must be taken into account. According to the collection rules applicable in the company, not all structures generate income at the same time. It would therefore be absurd for the law©to require certain©deposits of this type: you have until the 23rd of the following month at 8pm! Example: An employer stipulates that its monthly employees are paid every 25th of the month. He cannot decide to wait until the 5th of the following month in a given month to pay salaries. An employee who receives a salary in exchange for work done for a company is not always well informed about the terms of payment. It is important to master all aspects of payment to avoid possible inconvenience. Monthly employees, the payment date is at least once a month. In addition, the employer may not delay payment between two remunerations beyond one month. It is the employer who pays the salary. This is usually a company or state for civil servants.
The law does not set a deadline for the payment of an employee`s salary. The only restriction for the employer is that they must pay the employee every month at the same time (usually at the beginning or end of the month). It is also possible to request a salary deposit. The periodicity of payment does not affect premiums and other tips. Without a collective or company agreement, no payment date can be imposed on an employer as long as the employer complies with the legal obligation to pay its employee monthly and simultaneously. The salary must be paid on one working day, unless it is a bank transfer. Basically, the employer. No time limit is imposed for the payment of wages, unless a collective agreement or collective agreement provides otherwise. The labor law remains very clear on this issue, there is no date of payment of wages. However©, there may be concerns©when payment of wages is not available.
The employment contract may not contain any provision contrary to those mentioned above (deferral of payment, etc.). If this is the case, these clauses must be considered null and void. If the employer does not respect these deadlines for the payment of wages, he will be fined for 3rd class offences (penalty under Article R. 3246-1 of the Labour Code). The employer may also be ordered to pay additional amounts to the employee as compensation for his damages. These amounts take the form of default interest and, where applicable, damages. These rules also apply if the late payments are due to cash flow problems of the company. When the company enters an economic crisis, it affects all its financial obligations.
In case of difficulties©©, an employer is able to explain the situation to its employees©and ask for their cooperation and understanding©, which gives© it the right to pay wages outside the usual deadlines (usually©©between the 30th of the month and the 5th of the following month). However, the law provides for a maximum period between the payment of a salary and that of the coming month. No payment date is imposed on the employer (unless provided for in an operating contract or collective agreement). Unless expressly provided in the employment contract, a collective agreement or use by the company, the employer is not required to increase an employee annually. In the vast majority of cases, it is the latter who initiates a salary increase by first sending a request for a salary increase to his employer (see example of request and our advice). Unlike private sector employees, civil servants receive all their salaries on the same day. This varies by month, but payment is usually made at the end of the month (between the 24th and 29th of the month, except in December if the payment is made earlier). This is a principle that applies to all areas of activity©. In other words, the deadline for payment of salaries in the commercial sector is exactly the same as in the field of construction, IT and worldwide in IT. The law does not prescribe a deadline for the payment of wages. It is only necessary to pay the employee every month at the same time.
As a rule, in practice, a use is established and the salary is paid at the beginning or at the end of the month. It is quite possible that the employer©decides to pay his salary© on the day of the 5th, 10th or 25th of the month. Once the first payment has been made, the employer© is required to conscientiously respect the©one-month delay between the payment of each salary.