Government Legal Training Programme

Although the general structure of education may be similar to elsewhere, the nature of work is likely to vary considerably. You will experience a number of interesting legal activities – and may have the opportunity to participate in the legislative process itself. The Government Legal Department (GLD) is the government`s main legal adviser: the government is its only client. Whether creating new laws, purchasing goods and services, or defending decisions in court, legal advice is needed on a range of complex issues. To do this, the government needs its own lawyers and trainee lawyers who understand its profession. Government advocates work closely with ministers, policy makers and other professionals and play a unique role in helping the government deliver on its legislative agenda and deliver public services – which makes the training contract with GLD particularly exciting and absolutely unique. Many of the country`s top lawyers work in government – some of the leading experts in public and constitutional law, European and international law, litigation, law enforcement, commercial and labour law, as well as those with deep expertise in all the more specific areas of ministerial work. Departments only offer full 2-year training contracts and do not take into account prior knowledge acquired elsewhere. Government lawyers provide a wide range of legal services in government organizations nationwide. This includes working closely with ministers and decision-makers to translate government objectives into policy; advising on existing legislation and drafting new legislation; defending government actions in court; Support for civil and criminal justice and the prosecution of criminal offences. When your internal contract with the government is finalized, the work you work in depends on the department you work in. It is important to understand that the Diversity Summer Program is not used to assess eligibility for an apprenticeship contract or a student.

If you are interested in social change, state training contracts are ideal. You can explore many different areas as part of an in-house training contract with the government, including crime, energy and environmental issues, transportation, space and more. However, places in state training contracts are extremely competitive. Our trainees must be able to analyze and interpret complex information. VRT offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in this important area. Check out our latest recruitment campaigns to find opportunities to be part of our intergovernmental community. You can also register for new job postings tailored to your skills and experience on the Public Service Job Portal (Note: You must create an account on the Public Service Job Portal to register for job postings). Learn more about Kyle`s experiences of his time with a training contract at GLD. Other well-known organizations that offer legal education include: Participants will gain insight into the work of government lawyers through lectures and workshops.

In addition, some visits are organized, for example through the Supreme Court and Parliament. Since we all work in different legal teams, it`s great to talk to articling students and learn more about the work of other teams. There is such a wide range of legal work that you wouldn`t experience everything in your apprenticeship contract, so other articling students give invaluable insight. First, why did you decide to do your apprenticeship contract with the government? For work. You will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge laws and high-profile cases while providing a public service. Government lawyers practice in a number of areas of law and there is no need to specialize in any particular area once you qualify. This allows you to experiment with different areas of law not only during your apprenticeship contract, but also throughout your career. The exercise is not a test of legal knowledge and is intended for non-legal students. Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) is one of the fastest growing sectors of the legal market.

Also, make sure you have examples ready to show how you have the skills the organization is looking for – this will make you good for the interview. Read the newspapers! This helps to show that you are aware of the role lawyers play in current government affairs. If you have a particular interest in business law, you can apply for the training contracts offered at GLD Commercial.
