Crew A. Proof of the identity of persons in criminal matters from a medico-legal point of view. Forensic Review. 1936; 4(4):252–74. Forensic medicine applied to dentistry. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves Bookstore. 1st edition. 1922. 229 pp. Nicodemo RA, Morais LC, Medici Filho E. Chronological table of mineralization of permanent teeth in Brazilians. Rev Fac Odont São José dos Campos. 1974; 3 (1): 55-6.
Dental identification has a unique meaning because dental arches offer many individualizing variables that make it virtually impossible for two people to have the same dento-source morphology©. Brazil. Decree No. 3.830 of 29 October 1919. Authorizes the government to transform the current course of dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro into the Faculty of Dentistry and gives other arrangements. Available in: Retrieved 20017.03.02. Forensic dentistry is the specialty that integrates the study of© dentistry with law. Old practices are always updated with©new techniques. Forensic dentistry has undergone these adaptations over the years©, to these transformations that have proved important in labour, administrative, civil and criminal investigations.
The oldest register of forensic dentistry was made in Paris in 1898 by Cuban dentist Oscar Amoedo, who associated forensic dentistry with medicine. In 1924, Professor Luis Lustosa Silva published the book Odontologia Legal, which gave rise to the term Legal Dentistry. (SILVEIRA, 2008) The distinction of human dental arches has facilitated human identification throughout history. Several events demonstrate the social relevance of forensic dentistry. In this story, cases of laymen or dentists were analyzed. Bertini VA. Forensic dentistry; Identity and identification. Reverend Odontol (B Aires). 1945; 33:695 passim. Campos MLR, Costa JF, Almeida SM, Delwig F, Furtado FMS, Lima LNC. Analysis of orofacial lesions recorded at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of São Luís (MA) during the period 2011-2013. Rev Arm Odontol Leg RBOL.
2016; 3(2): 21–31. Galliano JM Carreras. Proyección de las enfermedades profesionales en odontologia legal. Clin protes. 1945;6(11):3 passim. Mr. Fernandez AH. Association of Dentists of Baixada Santista. History of dentistry in the 500s in Brazil.
1999. Available in: Accessed: 10.01.2017. dental consultation for professional practice; and (o) dental imaging. Petille R, Rha Silva. Civil expertise in forensic dentistry: accreditation and fees of the legal expert. Rev Arm Odontol Leg RBOL. 2015; 2(2) : 63-81.
Spyere PR. Museum of Professions: Dentistry. History of dentistry in Brazil. Available in: Retrieved 2017-01.10. 1. Forensic Dentistry in Criminal Investigations: Importation and Practice Enforcement; 01/03/2017 Website; criminal-importancia-e-aplicacao-pratica/ The dentist`s performance in the specialization of dentistry is limited solely to the analysis, execution and evaluation of events related to the competence of dentistry in general and may include other circumstances such as legal interests. Silva RF, Miamoto P, Rha Silva. Luiz Lustosa da Silva and the Emergence of Forensic Dentistry in Brazil – Review in a journalistic and literary collection.
Rev Arm Odontol Leg RBOL. 2017; 4(1) : 78-106. Pettorutti AR, Muñoz DR, Tsuchiya MJ. Legal medical identification of suspected cases: investigation of the expertise of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of São Paulo, in the 1990s. Health, ethics and justice. 2003;8( 1/2):18-23. Emszsf Silveira. Forensic dentistry: concept, origin, applications and history of know-how. Health, ethics and justice. 2008; 13(1):33-6.
History of dentistry in Brazil: 1500-1900. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Scientific Ed. 1952. 288 pp. Silva LL. Forensic dentistry: forensic examination of the profiles of the Craneo family of the unknown by Collegno and Mario Bruneri. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Canton & Reile, 1937. Lerman S. Historia de la Odontología y su ejercicio legal. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo.
1942. Bensadon, I. Juristische Zahnärzte: Doktorat. Buenos Aires. 1921. 138 pp. Lopez YV. Odontología legal y forense. Univ. odontol; 1982; 1(2):93-7.
In its early days, forensic dentistry was characterized primarily by the fact that it allowed the search for identity in the forensic field. Gradually, new techniques were introduced and added to the list of activities in this field. Extrapolating the barriers of empiricism, this “dentistry” went through difficult paths until it was accepted and recognized as a science. While forensic dentistry has been consolidated as a technique and science, the judiciary has been equipped with specialized tools to resolve cases with significant social implications. Although this science was accepted before justice and society, it would develop little outside academic boundaries. While it is still necessary to place it in this context, forensic dentistry has been considered an important component of higher education in Brazil. It was in the 1930s that this science legally integrated the training of dentists, and it is part of it to this day. From that moment on, this science spread, since it was one of the mandatory disciplinary measures required in the national territory. Unlike other areas of dentistry, forensic dentistry was recognized as a specialty in bachelor`s degree courses for about 40 years after its origin. There are now 677 registered dentists in this field. Its emergence and contribution as a discipline and specialty has allowed exponential development through teaching, research and expansion as well as continuing education. By compiling scientific and non-scientific literary information, this book saved an important historical piece of forensic dentistry and contributed to the enrichment of the national dental literature.
During examinations, in the bodies of the divers, samples of Ted Bundy`s sucking, blood and fingerprints were found, despite the evidence, these samples were not sufficient to incriminate him, when he found two bite marks on one of the breasts and bumps of one of the different Lisa Levy in 1979 by©the report of forensic dentist Dr. Lowell J. Levine. Forensic dentistry is© the specialization of dentistry, which invariably applies knowledge of anatomy, radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry to study the physical, psychological, quantum and biological processes that affect humans, living, dead or skeletonized, in fragments or remains, of partial or complete reverse or irreversible lesions, in addition to the analysis©of human bite marks and animal bite.