Is It Legal to Assist a Police Officer

(ii) In all cases where a criminal court is required to order return under section (C)(2)(a) of this article and an application for a detention order under section (C)(2)(b)(i) of this article is made, the offender may obtain a hearing on the application by submitting to the court within thirty days of the expiry of thirty days after receipt of the notification in accordance with section (C)(2)(b)(i) of this Article. by the aggressor. If the offender applies for a hearing within the prescribed time, the court schedules a hearing as soon as possible after the application and notifies the offender, the established pension plan, the specified provider under the specified alternative pension plan or deferred compensation plan or, if more than one is specified in the application, the applicable combination of these elements: Date, time and place of the hearing. The hearing under this section is limited to examining whether, on the basis of the evidence adduced by the offender, there are valid reasons for not making the order sought. If, on the basis of the evidence provided by the offender, the court finds that there is a valid reason for not making the order, it shall reject the application and shall not make the requested order. of the revised Code and the withholding for that purpose, in accordance with the order, of any payment to be made from the date of issue of the order until a new court order. On receipt of an order under this Division, the Public Employee Pension System, the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, the Retirement Scheme for State Teachers, the School Employee Pension System, the State Highway Patrol Pension System, a Community Company Pension Scheme, the Alternative Retirement Plan Provider and the Deferred Compensation Program offered by the Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Board, A local corporation or government entity within the meaning of section 148.06 of the Revised Code, as the case may be, withholds from those payments the amount required under the order as reimbursement and promptly transfers the amount withheld to the clerk of the court where the order was made in order to pay to the entity to which the reimbursement is to be made. 30-22-2. Refusal to assist an officer. [45] A refusal to assist an officer is a refusal to assist a peace officer in maintaining the peace at the request of that officer on behalf of the United States or the State of New Mexico. Anyone who refuses to assist a public servant is guilty of a minor offence.

(C) It shall not constitute a violation of this section or section 102.03 or 2921.42 of the Revised Code for the jurisdiction, board of directors or any other contracting authority of a political subdivision to use the services of a law firm on terms and conditions approved by the legislative authority, the board of directors. or designate the contracting authority or a partner, officer or employee of such enterprise as an unelected public official or employee of the political subdivision, whether the public office or office is created by statute, charter, regulation, decision or other legislative or administrative measure. 2009 New Jersey Code Title 2A – Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice 2A: 160-17 – Authority of arresting officer; Help[44] Colorado Revised Statutes 2013 35 Title 16[14] 16-3-202. Assistance to the Peace Commissioner – Arrest – Communication of information – Immunity. 2.15 Person who refuses to help. A peace commissioner who has summoned a person to assist him in the performance of his duties shall, if he refuses to obey, report that person to the appropriate district or district attorney so that he may be prosecuted for the crime. Law enforcement officers carry out their duty under the law at all times by serving the community and protecting all persons from unlawful acts, which corresponds to the high level of responsibility required by their profession. If a person fails or refuses to assist a customs officer upon proper request in accordance with subsection 2 without reasonable excuse, that person is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine of not more than $1,000. (b) Any person, other than an official or employee of the United States, who provides assistance in good faith at the request of a customs officer shall not be liable for civil damages resulting from the provision of such assistance if the person providing the assistance acts as an ordinary and reasonably prudent person would have acted in the same or similar circumstances.

(R.S. §3071; Pub. L. 99-570, Title III, §3152, 27 October 1986, 100 Stat. 3207-94.) (G) (1) Any person who violates section A(1) of this section or commits a violation of section C of this section with respect to any of the items listed in section A(1) of this section is guilty of the illegal transportation of weapons on the premises of a particular public entity, which constitutes a third-degree felony. If the offender is an officer or employee of the Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, the court will impose a mandatory custodial sentence within the scope of certain custodial sentences provided for in section 2929.14, section (A)(3)(b), of the revised Code for a third-degree felony. If a person summoned by a sheriff or other officer refuses or fails to assist him: (1) in the performance of his duties in a criminal case, (2) in the maintenance of peace, (3) in the arrest or safety of a person for breach of the peace, or (4) in a case of flight or rescue, He is guilty of a Class 2 offence.
