Is It Legal to Kill an Alligator in Florida

Q. Are there any circumstances under which I would be allowed to shoot an alligator in my garden? One. First of all, do not approach an alligator or try to catch it. It is illegal and dangerous. Second, leave him alone and see if he goes on his own. If the alligator remains on your property, call toll-free 888-404-3922. If the dispatcher determines that it is an emergency – an alligator acting aggressively and threatening people – wildlife officers will immediately send a licensed trapper to care for the animal. In non-emergency situations, a trapper is contacted, but does not necessarily react immediately. All points used in the above removal methods must be attached to a retention line and must be able to fully penetrate the thick skin of an alligator and not come out if you retreat against the alligator. Explosive or injection drug discharges are not permitted. As Florida`s population grows year after year, humans and alligators meet more frequently.

Because of these meetings (intentional or not), the state of Florida enacted laws on how people should handle, approach, and interact with alligators. In this blog, we`re going to go over three Florida alligator laws that every Florida should be aware of. R. Wildlife officials estimate the adult alligator population to be between 1 million and 1.5 million. Biologists estimate that the population was about half of what it was when alligators became a protected species. One. Trappers are licensed by the agency and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deal with complaints about annoying alligators. “The [Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission] may, under the rule, limit the number of participants involved in the collection of alligators or their eggs from the wild. No person may buy, sell, take, possess, transport or import an American alligator or any part thereof, or the nests or eggs of an American alligator.

A. No. Many people overestimate the size or aggressiveness of alligators and simply feel uncomfortable seeing an alligator. There is no way for trappers to know if the call is frivolous until they answer. ORLANDO, Fla. – Florida has more than 1 million alligators and several laws to protect them. Wildlife expert David Hitzing said that if an alligator is really aggressive towards you or your pet on your property, you can take action against the alligator. But if a pet attack takes place outside your property, it`s even harder to assert self-defense. Many hunters catch alligators with wooden pins wrapped in smelly bait that floats. Alligators have a soft palate valve at the back of their mouth that closes when they go underwater to prevent water from entering their stomachs and lungs. When an alligator swallows the bait and the wooden pin, the wooden pin gets stuck behind this valve, allowing you to stay in contact with the alligator and bring it closer to your boat.

Once you have an alligator on a leash and next to your boat, it is recommended to use a firecracker to ship it quickly and humanely. Aim for the center of the spine just behind the skull plate, where the back of the alligator`s head almost hits its neck. You may have fed wild animals such as ducks or fish while walking around the park or visiting recreational areas. And while it may be tempting to feed a wild alligator, it`s also illegal. When you feed alligators, alligators lose their natural fear of humans and associate humans with food. Normally, alligators avoid people. But if an alligator has been fed by humans, it is more likely to move towards humans and could potentially become aggressive. A.

Yes. Complaints rose from 5,000 a year in 1978, when the program for pesky alligators began. In 2002, wildlife officers handled 14,738 complaints. The problem arose in Polk County this week when prosecutors decided to drop charges against a Lake Wales man who shot an alligator in his backyard in March. RELATED | Dog dies and saves Florida owner from alligator The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission was called along with police. Lisa Bass said police told her they couldn`t kill him because the alligator didn`t attack a human. R. Free brochures are available at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission office at 4900 Drane Field Road in Lakeland. Information is also available on the Internet at Wildlife officials have said the American alligator is a conservation success story, with Florida having an estimated population of 1.3 million.

One. Swimming is the most common, followed by trying to catch or scare an alligator, fishing and diving for golf balls. In the first half of the 20th century, alligator hunting and egg harvesting were unrestricted in Florida, greatly reducing the number of species in the wild. It wasn`t until 1973 that alligators were listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Now, currently listed as a species of particular concern, without the proper license, you could face a crime if you catch and detain an alligator or its eggs. Legal methods for participating in the Florida statewide alligator harvesting program include: Fishing rods with weighted triple hooks or artificial lures are also legal, as are hand-held hooks and handheld devices with an adjustable catch loop such as capture rods. Bait hooks are not allowed. Q. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission issues hunting permits each year for the hunting and killing of alligators. Is that not incompatible with protection? With the top of the crocodile`s head facing upwards, use a sharp knife to cut through the spinal cord by cutting through the body between the back of the head and the first vertebra.

To make sure the alligator is dead, insert a metal rod into the brain cavity for the marrow and destroy the brain. Only after these steps is it safe to shoot the alligator into your boat. Licensed alligator hunters were sent and what they told surprised her. One. Since 1948, when state wildlife officials began keeping records, there have been 323 documented alligator “attacks,” 12 of which have been fatal. Most of the incidents involved people trying to handle or catch alligators. Deadly attacks, the first of which took place in 1973, usually occur in the summer. The only fatal attack in Polk County occurred on June 23, 2001, when a 2-year-old girl was killed on Cannon Lake on the Winter Haven Lake Chain. While these laws may scare you, don`t let wild alligators scare you in Florida! Alligators can be fascinating creatures that can be observed from a safe distance on land (or seen on an airboat ride)! If you want to learn more about these scaly creatures, be sure to visit our Gator and Animal Park, where you can see them up close and learn more about them. Plus, we`re offering free admission to our Gator and wildlife park from now until December 31, 2017, so what better time to visit than now? One.

Yes, in self-defense. However, if you were unarmed at the time you saw the alligator, but were given a gun and came back to shoot the alligator, you could not claim self-defense. An alligator`s head is mostly made up of hard bones, and its entire back is protected by bony scales, so any shots taken in these areas are likely to bounce. Instead, aim at the side of his body, legs or cheeks. The skin in these areas is softer and can be penetrated by darts, spikes and hooks. However, if you use a hook, be aware that the tip or beard may get stuck, but it is unlikely to penetrate the thick skin of an alligator. To prevent a hook from coming out, do not let the leash sag. Keep the pressure constant by retreating against the alligator at all times. The next step is to slide an adjustable grip loop over the alligator`s muzzle and pull it firmly to prevent the mouth from opening.
