. * R.D. 1244/1979, of 4.04 M. Ind. and E. BB. Oo. E., 29.05, rect. 28.06.1979, Control of pressure vessels supplemented by the supplementary technical manual ITC-MIE-AP. If you need help with your waste, we are experts in hazardous waste management and special treatment. We have trained staff and can help you with any procedure you need * Personal Protective Equipment Marketing Regulation.
(Royal Decree 1407/1992 of 20 November. BOE No. 311 of 28 December, as amended by Royal Decree 159/1995 of 2 February. BOE No. 57 of 8 March and by decree of 20 February 1997. BOE No. 56 of 6 March). * Royal Decree 786/2001 of 6 July 2001 approving the Regulations on Fire Safety in Industrial Plants. * Royal Decree 485/1997 of 14 April 1997 on minimum requirements for occupational safety and health signs (BOE 23-4-97).
PDF article available from 2010 to 2013 From 2014 Visit us at www Elsevier is Sumanegocios * Law on the prevention of occupational risks (Law 31/1995 of 8 November. BOE No. 269 of 10 November). * ROYAL DECREE 773/1997 of 30 May 1997 on the minimum health and safety requirements for the use of personal protective equipment by workers. * Royal Decree 363/1995 of 10 March 1995 (BOE 5.6.95). Regulation concerning the notification of new substances and the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances. * Royal Decree 1435/1992 of 27 November 1992 (BOE 11.12.92) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery. General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection The most important laws, ordinances and rules are: According to the General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEyPA), waste is defined as any material that has arisen during a process of extraction, transformation, production, extraction, treatment or control in such a way that it has become waste with the property that it cannot be reused in a new process.