North Carolina Legal Shooting Hours

Natural commercial deer urine products are made from urine collected from deer in other states, many of which have been diagnosed with CWD. The agent of CWD can be found in deer urine. The distribution of this urine can contaminate the environment. For this reason, no person may possess or use substances or material that contain or purport to excrete a deer, including urine, feces, blood, glandular oil or any other bodily fluid, for the purpose of collecting, attracting or exploring wildlife in SC. This does not preclude the use of synthetic products or substances collected by a hunter of deer legally caught in SC (Reg. 123-54). (vi) Shooting hours are 1/2 hour before legal sunrise until 12:00. (iii) We require a Special Use Permit (Form EWS 3-1383-G) to hunt raccoons or opossums from 1/2 hour after legal sunset to 1/2 hour before legal sunrise. (b) the North Bridge and south of the North Bridge at Lake Landing; (i) We only allow fishing from sunrise to legal sunset from March 15 to October 15, except that we allow fishing along the marsh causeway year-round. The 0.3 Mile Loop trail and canal terminus right next to the visitor center are open year-round, but we close them during deer hunting. (iii) We allow hunters at the refuge from 1 hour before legal sunrise to 1 hour after legal sunset. Raccoons, foxes, opossums, beavers and bobcats can be legally hunted at night, with or without light and with dogs, except during the spring turkey season. For legal deer, see “Deer Hunting” for legal sizes and catch restrictions.

Turkey hunting with dogs is prohibited. During the spring turkey season, it is illegal to keep dogs in areas where turkey season is open, except in licensed pens. Dogs are not allowed to hunt deer during archery season, primitive weapon season or hunting season. Requests for dog field trials must be submitted to the Ministère de la Faune, des Pêches et des Parcs at least 14 days prior to the start of the study. (iii) We allow hunting from 1/2 hour before legal sunrise until 4:20 p.m. (according to county regulations). Weapons that can be legally used during primitive weapons season are all archery equipment and primitive firearms. “Primitive firearms” intended for deer hunting are defined as single or double barrelled muzzle-loading rifles of .38 calibre or higher; OR breech-loading metal cartridge rifles (.35 calibre or more) and replicas, reproductions or reproductions of such rifles with an exposed hammer; OR single or double barrel muzzle-loading shotguns, bullet or single screw shotguns.

All primitive muzzle-loading weapons must use black powder or a black powder substitute with percussion caps, #209 shotgun primers, or flintlock ignition. “Black powder substitute” is defined as a substance designed, manufactured and specifically intended for use as a propellant in muzzle-loading firearms or other black powder firearms, with the exception of advanced smokeless powder. Metal cartridges can be loaded with black powder or modern smokeless powder (cartridges purchased in sports stores). Telescopic sights are allowed during hunting with any primitive firearm during primitive firearm season. During a season open for deer with primitive weapons after November 30, a person may only use any legal weapon of his or her choice on private property if he or she owns the land, leases the hunting rights on the land, is a member of a hunting club that leases hunting rights on the land, or a guest of the above-mentioned person. If the person must have a hunting licence, they must have a licence to carry a primitive weapon, a sports licence or a sporting licence for life. (i) We require the consent of refuge staff to enter and collect legally collected wildlife from closed areas, including “no-hunting areas”. It is illegal for a person to hunt on or in the right-of-way of a road, highway, highway, or railway maintained by a railroad, city, county, highway, state or federal entity if the person is in possession of an unloaded firearm. Road, highway, or railway. “Unloaded” means that a cartridge or grenade is not mounted in the barrel or magazine of the firearm or in a clip, magazine or holder attached to the firearm. An unloaded muzzle-loading cap firearm is a weapon with the cap removed.

An unloaded muzzle-loading flintlock weapon is a weapon without powder in the opening. It is illegal to hunt or kill wildlife, fur-bearing animals or wild birds from a motor vehicle or boat. However, squirrels and wild birds can be chased from a boat when the engine is off and the boat`s progress has stopped. (4) Sport fishing. We allow sport fishing and crabs on designated areas of the refuge under the following conditions: We require all night surf anglers to have and carry a signed night surf fishing license (signed brochure) when fishing at the refuge between 1/2 hour after legal sunset and 1/2 hour before legal sunrise.
