Overall, it only took a few days for the notices to be published, but you will set your hearing date at least 40 days in advance. I recommend taking advantage of this downtime by contacting key organizations (like your employer, bank, etc.) to find out what their name change processes are and what documents or forms they need from you. Go to: support.google.com/payments/contact/change_name Official documentation: For instructions on how to update your name, see the link above. Post two public announcements before the scheduled hearing date to change your name. I used the Pittsburgh Legal Journal and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I have confirmed to the Court Records Department that you have to go to a police barracks to have your fingerprints taken; UPS fingerprints are not accepted. At the barracks, I showed them my driver`s license and told them what I wanted to change my name. They took me to a back room and took my fingerprints (with a big scanning machine, no ink). Call the Allegheny County Court Records Department at (412) 350-4201 and let them know you`re looking for information about a legal name change. They describe the entire process, including the estimated cost, and send you the necessary forms. The Post-Gazette has a page of its legal promotional materials, so download the name change notice (November 2017 version, hosted locally here). You will need to fill in the following fields: This process will definitely change over time, so for each step, I maintain a section of unverified additions based on information readers emailed me. Time: 6-8 weeks, but they don`t even guarantee it.
Note that this is also not a name change for your school records. When I decided to change my name, it was very difficult to find resources that describe the process in detail. After going through it myself, I thought that other people could benefit from detailed documentation. It may seem counterintuitive, but even while people are being heard, you need to go to the court clerk at the office (not the judge) and tell them you`re asking for a legal name change. You take your case and set your final hearing date, which will be about 40 days. Once that`s done, sit down and wait for the judge`s turn. Go to: www.fidelity.com/customer-service/how-to-update-name you changed your name, but there is still a lot to do after the change. The other form is CHANGE OF NAME DECREE. This is the official piece of paper, which means your name change is complete. This will be notarized and given to you at your last court hearing.
One says ORDER A TERMINING HEARING ON THE NAME CHANGE, and this will be returned to you (via the self-addressed envelope you provided) after the police complete your background check. You will fill out a date on this form when you need to return to court and talk to a judge about why you are changing your name, and then receive the rest of the instructions for the trial. I highly recommend going to the DMV and Social Security Administration immediately after your last hearing date. They`re all downtown, so you`re nearby, and you`ll need an updated driver`s license and Social Security card to start updating your name elsewhere. Go to: A fax machine. Seriously, you will need to fax the proof of name change to 412-393-6042. On October 11, 2018, a reader told me that you can customercare@duqlight.com send an email with a photo ID to your new name, but I haven`t checked yet. To get a court order confirming your legal name change, it takes a few months and about $500.
Official documentation: faq.ssa.gov/link/portal/34011/34019/article/3749/how-do-i-change-or-correct-my-name-on-my-social-security-number-card. I called Chase Support and they sent me a form that I had to fill out with a copy of my name confirmation. I sent it back and they sent me a new card (same number, name corrected). Official documentation: None. You only provide the phone number when you try to change your name in your account profile. Go to: www.paypal.com/myaccount/settings/name/edit Do you need to publish a legal advertisement? Please use our online system, PO Box address or e-mail to send legal announcements. I feel compelled to add that I am not a layman and none of this is legal advice. I`m just writing documentation. When the clerk calls you, he gives your file to the judge who signs it. The court clerk will give you a copy of the document containing the date and time of your last hearing (although you will also receive a copy in the mail later). You will also explain that you must publish your intention to change your name and receive a judgment cheque before your hearing date.
After the change, you`ll probably want to go straight to the DMV and SSA, as they`re also downtown. Go to: www.paypal.com/myaccount/settings/name/edit that tells you to call 1-800-307-5000 for name changes. You will then need to send them the updated documentation by email or fax. Their address is: Amtrak Guest Rewards, P.O. Box 14368, Philly, PA 19115. I personally gave my credit card information over the phone and then emailed my completed form to legaladvertising@post-gazette.com. I received an email within an hour confirming everything, including the cost of $124, and a few days later I received my proof of publication in the mail. Call the Court Records Division at (412) 350-5729. Tell them you need a judgment review as part of a legal name change. After being transferred several times, you will finally reach the indexing desktop.
You take your current legal name and address to process your request in advance. It takes a few months and about $500 to change your name in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here is the short version: Orders for legal notices cannot be placed by fax. *If you are not a lawyer or do not register one, please note: The legal notices you create will be stored under the account you use when you enter and pay for your notice. We recommend that you register and enter communications under the lawyer`s name that appears in the notice so that the lawyer has an accurate collection of their legal opinions.