What Is the Definition of the Vocabulary Word Frivolous

He was not amused by the family`s gossip or frivolous trivialities, preferring to discuss important issues worthy of serious attention. His family thought he was a real buzz killer. Almost nothing has been written against the Académie française, except frivolous and bland subtleties. Power Thesaurus also contains several words that mean the opposite of the frivolous word. If you are trying to discuss serious or weighty things, you can refer to this list of antonyms. Learning the antonyms of a word whose definition you know is a great way to quickly expand your vocabulary. But the space seems more frivolous to many and is therefore hit harder by critics. Essentially, Cusack argues that prosecutions undermine one of the most important safeguards that protect people — often, but not exclusively, homeless people — from frivolous criminal proceedings. Many condemn the morning call system as stupid, frivolous and a waste of time. The word frivolous is an adjective used to describe things that are light, stupid, useless, or useless. This word has a negative connotation and is often used to criticize a lack of seriousness.

The word frivolous is a very common and useful word that you can add to your vocabulary! She always filled her weekends with things she loved, even if it was a frivolous activity. She loved window shopping and reading a novel with no serious purpose. I will be frivolous and flirtatious and imagine a girl from the old Southern Set, when there were no new people. Lawyers for Sandy Hook`s relatives asked the judge in the case to rule that Clinton`s proposed impeachment would be “unnecessary and frivolous.” The word frivolous becomes more serious when, as is often the case, it is applied to legal matters. If a lawsuit is labeled frivolous, it cannot be successfully argued (because, for example, a successful argument would require acceptance of a widely rejected legal theory) or the laws – or facts – do not support it. Blogging is a lifestyle program that can pay the bills, it becomes serious business with frivolous things. The defendants believed that this was a frivolous legal dispute and that the prosecutor`s negligence was at the root of the problem. They felt that the frivolous lawsuit came at an inappropriate time and in an inappropriate manner.

Frivolous can be used in a variety of phrases and is a great word to add to your vocabulary. If you think something is stupid and light or useless and wasteful, you can call it frivolous. Frivolous is a commonly used adjective, but what does it mean and how can we use it? This article will cover a wealth of information about the frivolous word, including its origin, synonyms and antonyms, and translations. According to the dictionary, the word frivolous has been used since late Middle English and comes from the Latin frīvolus, from the Latin friāre, which means crumbled. The pronunciation of frivolous is ˈfrɪvələs. Mizell called the Justice Department “arrogant” for taking the frivolous case to court. In Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen defends the novel against critics who dismiss it as frivolous and feminine. Check out these sample sentences that contain the word frivolous, and then try to find your own examples! These days, AC seems like a less frivolous choice. According to the Collins Dictionary of the English Language, frivolous is an adjective that means lack of seriousness, little weight or excessive ease. It can also be an activity that is unnecessary or unused. Many things can be frivolous, including a frivolous remark, a frivolous proposal, a frivolous complaint, and more.

If the invention is frivolous or harmful, the inventor cannot obtain legal protection. The frivolous behavior in the Church was highly inappropriate. The priest reprimanded the children for their exaggerated recklessness. He wanted their serious attention and felt that they treated the Church with little value. The 1996 submission (which you can see here) was, of course, as stupid and frivolous as the boycott campaign that preceded it. Frivolous things are stupid or useless. If something is questionable, you don`t need it. “It`s silly in context, but serious in purpose, it`s not frivolous,” Pelosi says.

In its most elementary and ancient uses, simply frivolously describes things of little importance. You can call anything you don`t find worthwhile “frivolous,” from silly products to outrageous forms of entertainment to stupid activities. Something that lacks seriousness in a more technical sense can also be described by the word; A frivolous essay or book does not deal with important topics or ideas. When you apply the word frivolous to something, you are saying that it does not deserve serious attention. Frivolous things are stupid, useless, or just plain stupid. The word is often used to describe prosecutions. A frivolous lawsuit has no value and is a waste of time for the court. If someone is frivolous, that person should not be taken seriously because they are always having fun and never doing anything. Frivolous is pretty much the opposite of the essential. Note: In order to prevent frivolous action, Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires the signature of counsel or a party on any factum, motion or other document to certify that, to the knowledge of the signatory, it is based on facts and justified by law, or is otherwise presented in good faith and not for an improper purpose.

A court has the power to impose sanctions for violations of the rule. Since frivolous can have a negative connotation, it can be helpful to know synonyms in case you`re trying to talk about something light or silly. These synonyms for the frivolous word Power Thesaurus can be very useful. If you look closely, you will notice that many of the following translations of frivol resemble the word frivolous itself. These are called related relatives. Frivolous parents are formed when other words have the same root as frivolous, making them look and sound similar. The frivolous argument took over the serious discussion of coronavirus policy and did not lead to a reasonable treatment of the issues. The word frivolous applies to things that don`t deserve serious attention — although in some cases, something called “frivolous” is serious enough to be a legal matter. What does the word frivolous mean and how can this word be used in a conversation? This article covers everything related to the meaning of frivolous. During these interviews, the two brothers oscillated between frivolous family chatter and serious discussions about coronavirus policy.

The word frivolous can also be found in different languages to describe stupid or unnecessary things. If you plan to discuss the concept of frivolity with someone who doesn`t speak English, you can refer to this list of frivolous translations by Nice Translator. Romarino, in his frivolous way, paid him a small court; But she did not observe it, or at least did not take note of it.
