Founder Agreement Template

Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey to embark upon, and it becomes even more complicated when you are starting a business with one or more partners. It is vital to have clear communication, trust, and transparency between the founders for a successful startup. A well-drafted founder agreement template can help streamline the process and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

What is a Founder Agreement?

A founder agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between the co-founders of a startup. It clarifies the roles and responsibilities of each founder and establishes the framework for decision-making, equity distribution, and ownership rights.

Why Do You Need a Founder Agreement?

A founder agreement is necessary for many reasons, some of which are:

1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities: A founder agreement outlines each founder`s duties and responsibilities to avoid confusion and disputes in the future.

2. Equity Distribution: A founder agreement sets out how much equity each founder will receive and when they will receive it. This ensures a fair distribution of ownership and helps avoid conflicts.

3. Decision-Making: A founder agreement outlines how key decisions will be made, how disputes will be resolved, and how new partners will be added or old ones removed.

4. Exit Strategy: A founder agreement outlines how the company will be dissolved or sold if the founders decide to part ways.

Founder Agreement Template: Key Elements

A well-drafted founder agreement template should cover the following key elements:

1. Business Overview: It includes the business name, description, and purpose.

2. Founders Information: It includes the names, titles, and contact information of each founder.

3. Roles and Responsibilities: It outlines each co-founder`s job duties, responsibilities, and expectations.

4. Equity Distribution: It outlines how much equity each founder will receive, when they will receive it, and how it can be forfeited.

5. Decision Making: It outlines how decisions will be made, who has the final say, and how disputes will be resolved.

6. Intellectual Property: It includes intellectual property ownership, usage, and licensing agreements.

7. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: It outlines how confidential information will be handled and what constitutes a breach.

8. Termination and Exit Strategy: It outlines how the partnership can be dissolved, what happens to the company`s assets, and how the founders can exit the business.


Creating a founder agreement is an essential step for any startup. It sets expectations, establishes guidelines, and helps avoid conflicts between the co-founders. Using a founder agreement template can help streamline the process and ensure that all critical elements are adequately addressed. It is crucial to involve an experienced attorney in the drafting process to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.
