Define Plenary in Legal Terms

Full, complete, complete, healthy means containing everything that is desired or necessary or possible. fully implies the presence or inclusion of anything that is desired or required of something, or that can be held, contained or achieved by it. A full schedule is applied when everything necessary is in place. A complete picture of the situation The plenary completes the implication of abundance without restriction. When the power of attorney is full, it means being filled to the brim or to the point of satiety. full of delicious details Britannica English: Translation of the plenary for Arabic speakers PLENARY. Complete, complete. 2. In the courts of the Admiralty and in the English ecclesiastical courts, causes or actions relating to the different course of the proceedings in each of them shall be called full or summary cases. Plenary or complete and formal actions are those in which the procedure must be complete and formal: the term summary applies to the reasons why the procedure is more concise and less formal. Law`s Oughton, 41; 2 chit.

Pr. 481. For example, in immigration law, under the doctrine of full power, Congress has the power to make immigration policy free from judicial review. This doctrine was established in the late nineteenth century, when the Supreme Court declared that Congress had “authority” to regulate immigration, Native American tribes, and newly acquired territories. The doctrine is based on the concept that immigration is a matter of national sovereignty, which refers to a nation`s right to define its own borders. Courts generally refrain from interfering in immigration cases. To date, there has been no successful challenge to federal legislation denying admission to categories of non-citizens or returning resident aliens. Adj.

In court, this term is used to define a procedure that is complete, satisfactory in all respects and has taken into account all the facts related to the process. The plenum is also used to designate full control in other circumstances, such as authority over public funds in plenary, as opposed to limited authority over funds encumbered as collateral or by a legal claim. The authority of the U.S. Congress or other sovereign nations allows them to pass laws, raise taxes, wage wars, and detain those who violate their laws. Completion means that it is characterized by being full and complete in every way. For example, a plenary process is a comprehensive process of all issues, factual and legal. Sometimes, when a case is heard on appeal, the hearing is limited to legal issues only. However, an appeal judge may order the referral of the case to the Court of First Instance for a new fundamental trial in a full proceeding. In terms of legislature, it refers to the fact that each member or delegate participates or should participate. Power of attorney refers to the entire power of a management body.

In the 14th century, the monk Robert de Brunne described a situation in which all the knights of King Arthur`s Round Table were present at court, writing: “When Arthure`s court was plener, and all were comen, iron and ner.” For many years, plener (also spelled plen) served English for both senses, which we reserve today for the plenum. But we had borrowed plener from Anglo-French, and although French relied on Latin plenus (“full”) as a word, the revival of interest in the classics during the English Renaissance led scholars to prefer purer Latin origins. In the 15th century, English speakers turned to the late Latin plenum and developed the plenum. (Plenarius also comes from Plenus, which is the source of our abundance and replenishment.) These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “plenum”. The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. “Plenum.” dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 14 January 2022. See full definition of plenary in the Dictionary of English Language Learners Presentations on relevant topics may take place at the beginning of plenary sessions, subject to the approval of the Chair. Source: Merriam-Webster`s Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

Published under license by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Powered by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed. and The Law Dictionary. Dr. Haifan Lin attended a plenary session titled “Looking to the Future” to introduce stem cell research to epidemiologists across the state. The current Expert Group on Job Quality Measurement has proposed to revise this list of indicators to take into account the comments made at the fifty-eighth ETUC plenary session and to take into account the issues raised in previous country reports and at the sixth meeting of the Expert Group on Job Quality Measurement (31 October-2 October). November 2011). Matters relating to specific areas of the county are generally not dealt with at plenary sessions of the Council, unless they have been previously discussed by the relevant District Assembly and referred to the Council. Middle English, from the late Latin plenarius, from the Latin plenus full to more in full If a proposal for the adjournment of a meeting of the Council is adopted, the meeting shall be postponed to a day then designated or, in the case where such a day is not appointed, to the day of the next plenary session of the Council. Full; whole; complete; integral. In ecclesiastical courts (and in admiralty practice), cases are divided into plenary and summary.

The first are those whose procedures must be strictly observed, so that if there is the slightest deviation from this order or disregard for this solemnity, the whole procedure is annulled. Summary causes are those in which it is not necessary to pursue this order and solemnity. Chestnut. Adj. complete, complete, covering all issues, usually with reference to a decision, hearing or legal proceeding. Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP.
