Preparing a course package You can choose to prepare a course package instead of your students purchasing a textbook. A printable copy should be delivered to Doug Russell If you would like to research the books currently available, you can access the publishing websites listed below. If you find a book title that you would have liked to order for yourself, please contact the faculty support team. Until 1973, the Faculty of Law offered a two-year Bachelor of Laws program in the evenings. During the session from 1973 to 1974, a three-year Honours Bachelor`s degree course was introduced. This course was then extended to four years, from 1977 to 1978. Currently, the number of seats in the first year is 150. The Faculty`s Bachelor of Laws is designed to provide an in-depth foundation in the various aspects of law, with an emphasis on principles and techniques, reasoning and explanation. While most students can study law with intent, the course also provides an excellent general education for those who choose to go into closely related fields. During the 2004-2005 session, a new curriculum was introduced at the Faculty of Law for students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) program. Under the new curriculum, grades for the subjects offered were increased from 1700 to 2300. You need to create a curriculum for your class that includes meeting dates, assignments and in particular the rules/expectations of the course you wish to apply. Each teacher`s program is different, some more detailed and some less so.
An example of a curriculum template can be found here. In addition to LL.M., the faculty offers M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees. During the 1976-1977 session, a one-year general master`s course in law was introduced. This diploma is awarded to successful candidates for the LL.M. exam, which is taken at the end of a one-year course. It consists of five articles, which are usually assessed by a written exam, a thesis and a live vote. During the 2006-2007 session, specialized Master of Laws courses were introduced. The following Honours LL.M. degrees are offered at the Master`s level with the General LL.M.
University of Denver Bookstore Thank you for your continued support of your campus bookstore as the primary source of course material. By directing your students to your campus bookstore for their course materials, you benefit from the entire DU community. If you have any questions about the flow of these questions, feel free to contact your textbook buyer. Pre-assignments If you assign work to your students before the first day of class, please email the pre-assignment to the Registrar at least two weeks in advance and the Registrar will ensure that it is published online. If there are any concerns about your submission, Doug will contact you directly. Once this process is complete, it will be delivered to the University`s Copy Centre to print the appropriate number of copies. Your students can purchase the course package from the bookstore shelves. Please submit your printable copy at least 6 weeks before the start of the lesson. To request copies of textbooks in the area of law you teach, contact faculty support or 303-871-6015.
To confirm that your assignment has been published for student access, visit this page: To place an order for textbooks for your students, read the instructions below. Tentative deadlines for textbooks (subject to change) Fall: June 21 Spring: October 30 Summer: April 1 The Faculty of Law offers degrees, namely the LL.B. (Honours), LL.M. General and LL.M., M.Phil. and Ph.D. specialized.