Helplessness Definition and Examples

Hammack SE, Cooper MA, Lezak KR. Overlapping neurobiology of learned impotence and conditioned defeat: implications for PTSD and mood disorders. Neuropharmacology. 2012;62(2):565-575. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2011.02.024 There is a long-term price of learned helplessness. In the face of a brain injury or pandemic, how can we change our circuits for a state that expects to control trauma? The goal of CBT is to help patients identify negative thought patterns that contribute to learned feelings of helplessness, and then replace those thoughts with more optimistic and rational thoughts. This process often involves careful analysis of what you think, actively challenging those ideas, and challenging negative thought patterns. People then don`t look for options that can help, which contributes to a greater sense of helplessness and anxiety. Learned helplessness occurs when an animal is repeatedly exposed to an aversive stimulus from which it cannot escape.

Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if completely powerless to change the situation. Even if there are opportunities to escape, this learned helplessness will prevent any action. American Psychological Association. Learned helplessness. The term was coined in 1967 by American psychologists Martin Seligman and Steven Maier. The couple studied the behavior of animals in which dogs received electric shocks. Dogs who learned that they could not escape the shock stopped trying in later experiments, even though it became possible to avoid the shock by jumping over a barrier. The researchers later realized that they had adopted a slightly different behavior, learning control, but studies have since confirmed that learned helplessness occurs. Peterson C, Park C. Learned helplessness and explanatory style. In: Barone DF, Hersen M, Van Hasselt VB, eds. Springer USA; 1998:287-310.

doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-8580-4_12 Maier SF, Seligman ME. Impotence learned at fifty: results of neuroscience. 2016;123(4):349-367. doi:10.1037/rev0000033 The concept can also manifest itself in educational institutions when children feel that they cannot perform well and therefore stop improving. The experience is characterized by three main characteristics: a passive response to trauma, not believing that the trauma can be controlled, and stress. When parents do everything for their children, helplessness can follow. Children do not learn to take care of themselves and they lose their free will. A good example of powerlessness: when parents clean their children for them. You can be. Maybe their parents did everything for them when they were kids, and they happily carry that helplessness into adulthood. They expect others to do everything for them. The egomaniacs who never did their job and enjoyed admiration and praise in their younger years.

Why should they bother now? Learned impotence has also been associated with various mental disorders. Depression, anxiety, phobias, shyness, and loneliness can all be exacerbated by learned helplessness. Therapy may be effective in reducing the symptoms of acquired impotence. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that can be beneficial in overcoming thought and behavior patterns that contribute to learned helplessness. Learned helplessness occurs when an individual is constantly confronted with a negative and uncontrollable situation and stops changing his situation, even if he is able to. For example, a smoker may repeatedly try to quit smoking. He may get frustrated and believe that nothing he does will help him, and that`s why he stops trying altogether. The perception that you can`t control the situation essentially triggers a passive response to the damage that occurs.

A pessimistic explanatory style is associated with a greater likelihood of experiencing acquired helplessness. People with this explanatory style tend to view negative events as inevitable and inevitable and tend to take personal responsibility for these negative events. Further assessment can lead to accurate diagnosis and treatment that can help you replace your negative thought patterns with more positive thought patterns. Such treatment can allow you to replace learned feelings of helplessness with a learned sense of optimism. Mom trusted me to be a mother to her, Dad looks at me, and I`m so unfit outside of that helplessness. People can defend themselves against learned helplessness by practicing independence from an early age and cultivating resilience, self-esteem, and self-compassion. Activities aimed at restoring self-control can also be helpful. For example, an older person who feels helpless in the aging process can do small exercises that they know give them a sense of control. Butkowsky IS, Willows DM. Cognitive and motivational characteristics of children with different reading abilities: evidence of learned helplessness in poor readers.

Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. 1980;72(3):408-422. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.72.3.408 “I`m not asking you for a promise,” the excited and suspicious man continued, writhing under the feeling of his helplessness. Learned helplessness can also contribute to feelings of anxiety and affect the onset, severity, and persistence of conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). So why do some people develop learned helplessness and others don`t? Why is it specific to some situations but more global in others? So what can people do to overcome acquired helplessness? Research suggests that learned impotence can be successfully reduced, especially if the intervention occurs early on. Long-term learned impotence can also be reduced, although it may require longer-term efforts. People who feel stuck in a relationship sometimes give up. They are not able to improve, work on or end their relationship. Sometimes a partner may feel like they`ve invested a lot in the union and don`t feel good about moving on. But solving problems seems just as daunting. Instead, they slip into a state of helplessness: what`s the point of trying? If children need help but no one is helping them, they may feel that nothing they do will change their situation.

Repeated experiences that reinforce these feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can make you grow and ultimately make you feel like there`s nothing you can do to change your problems. Previously, Mr. Chittenden had not thought about marriage, but now he loved the helplessness of the girl. Seligman later developed the concept of learned optimism: by explaining events constructively and developing a positive inner dialogue, people can free themselves from their cycle of helplessness. Greenwood BN, Fleshner M. Exercise, learned helplessness and stress-resistant brain. Neuromol Med. 2008;10(2):81-98. doi:10.1007/s12017-008-8029-y Fincham FD, Hokoda A, Sanders R Jr. Learning helplessness, test anxiety and academic performance: a longitudinal analysis. 1989 Feb;60(1):138-45.

doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.1989.tb02703.x Academic difficulties can also lead to feelings of learned helplessness. A child who strives to be good, but still performs poorly, may end up feeling like they have no control over their grades or achievements. A student who experiences learned helplessness in teaching math will not necessarily experience the same helplessness in the face of real-world calculations. In other cases, people may experience learned helplessness that generalizes in a variety of situations. Nuvvula S. Learned impotence. Contempt Clin Dent. 2016;7(4):426-427. doi:10.4103/0976-237X.194124 “I was humiliated at the thought of my helplessness,” he said. If you think that learned impotence could be negatively impacting your life and health, you should talk to your doctor about steps you can take to treat this type of thinking.

Let`s take a commonly used example: a child who scores poorly on math tests and homework will quickly feel that nothing they do has an impact on their math scores. If he is later confronted with a mathematical task, he may experience a feeling of helplessness. People who suffer from addiction often feel a certain helplessness. They are helpless and overwhelmed by the attraction of the desired substance, and their helplessness fuels this cycle. In fact, participation in addiction can alleviate a person`s sense of helplessness and dispel feelings of helplessness. Maybe addiction replaces anxiety, depression or anger. However, researchers have found that learned helplessness does not always generalize to all attitudes and situations. With age, learned helplessness can become a vicious cycle. When people experience problems such as anxiety or depression, they may feel that nothing can be done to alleviate these feelings. One animal study suggested that exercise may be helpful in reducing symptoms of learned impotence. Learned helplessness usually manifests itself in low self-esteem, low motivation, lack of perseverance, conviction of incapacity and, ultimately, failure.

It is more common for people who have repeatedly experienced traumatic events such as childhood neglect and abuse or family violence. Vollmayr B, Gass P. Learned Helplessness: Unique Selling Points and Translational Value of a Cognitive Depression Model.
