Is It Legal to Own a Monkey in Chicago

Monkeys kept in captivity tend to bond with the person they perceive as responsible, while viewing everyone as an enemy. Monkeys are messy and often throw their feces everywhere. Wearing a diaper is not a good answer because it can stop muscle development or weaken developed muscles. In addition, monkeys carry many diseases that can be transmitted to humans if they decide to bite or scratch you. Before considering getting one in areas where they are legal, keep in mind that some monkeys live up to 40 years. Be sure to check the illegal pet laws at your location before having a pet. The one you want may be against the law at your location. There are often good reasons for laws, as some illegal animals are not good pets. If you live in a state where pet monkeys are legal or restricted with proper permits, it`s important to understand that monkeys are wild animals, no matter how tame they may seem. Some imported birds must have legal import documents, which excludes them from the need for a permit, including: It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: Non-native raccoons can be kept as pets with proper veterinary certification and proof of legal ownership.

Because of the danger associated with pet ownership, some states completely prohibit the possession of wild or exotic animals, while most simply limit ownership to certain species. For example, South Carolina prohibits the possession of lions as pets, but you can still own a monkey. In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but no more than six at a time. South Dakota allows you to keep a bear on your property, but domestic pigs are prohibited. “They become aggressive. They act. In many cases, they are just a monkey, but in a cage. In a house,” she said. “It can be dangerous for monkeys and humans. There is a risk of bites, attacks, or even death. Oregon allows people with disabilities to own service monkeys as pets.

In Illinois, it is illegal for an individual to own, breed or sell a monkey. State law (720 ILCS 5/48-10/Public Act 97-1108) also prohibits the possession of “dangerous animals” such as lions, bobcats and poisonous snakes. (A) the capuchin monkey was acquired and trained by a non-profit organisation registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 1986, whose tax status as a charity was obtained on the basis of a mission to improve the quality of life of persons with reduced mobility; and If an animal is not prohibited or does not require a permit, it may be kept as a pet. However, no person may own more than 6 animals of any kind and not more than 25 wild animals at a time. Coatimundi bred in captivity can be kept as pets, but proof of legal acquisition is required. No county west of the Pecos River with a population of less than 25,000 requires a permit. “Person” means any natural person, enterprise, association, partnership, corporation or other legal person, any public or private entity, the State or any municipal corporation or political subdivision of the State. (2) Nothing in this section prohibits a person with a permanent disability with reduced mobility from owning a single capuchin monkey to assist with daily tasks if, “It is possible that someone can almost cross the street, legally buy a (monkey) and then take it home to the city,” Grimes said.

In at least 19 states, it is also illegal to own a shoe suit. These hybrid cats were created by breeding jungle cats and domestic cats. They are about twice as large as the typical domestic cat and very active. It takes time to walk your cat regularly and give her other forms of exercise, otherwise they can become destructive. Many develop gluten allergies, so their food can be expensive. Other restrictions include the type of habitat, enclosure, and environment you can provide for your pet monkey, with minimum requirements for acreage and space for a healthy and thriving pet monkey. For an overview of the top 10 illegal pets in the U.S. that we`ve mentioned, check out this article below. We have also listed places with known prohibitions against each animal, but this is not exhaustive. Check your state`s policies before attempting to purchase any of these animals if your state is not on the list.

Take Willis, who Grimes expects was torn from his mother when he was very young, “which is incredibly harmful to the mother who just lost a baby she gave birth, but also to the child. Monkeys stay with their mother for years and learn their behavior, learn to behave and be a monkey. Although some states do not regulate monkeys as pets, some states have restrictions on these animals. Although a pet monkey is not directly prohibited, some rules cover the breed of monkeys that humans are allowed to keep. Arizona, Mississippi, Indiana and Tennessee have partial restrictions that make it illegal to keep a monkey as a pet, but not monkeys. In Tennessee, monkeys are allowed with the exception of monkeys and baboons. Vervet monkeys like Willis — who has large brown eyes, a long tail and a thin body covered in black and brown hair — are native to Africa. Grimes of Chicago was part of an effort last month to save Willis from a South Side home where someone illegally housed him as a pet.

While it`s obvious why big cats, like lions and tigers, are banned as pets, it`s also illegal to own a Bengal in at least 19 states. Others have strict laws that say you have to prove that the animal is at least four generations away from its wild ancestors. According to his adoption page, “Willis likes to snuggle up in his blanket — like a monkey burrito — and then rip it off to play on his swing. U.S. House of Representatives Resolution 3135 would ban the interstate sale of primates and prohibit private ownership, breeding, and public contact with monkeys. It`s easy — too easy — to buy a monkey like Willis on the internet, said Angela Grimes, CEO of animal rights organization Born Free USA. It follows that these animals require special care. In addition, states that allow monkeys may have detailed welfare checks, lengthy applications, and expensive fees and fines required to legally keep a monkey as a pet. Wooden rattlesnakes and eastern copper heads can only be kept as pets if they are legally taken from the wild and require a venomous snake license. Pet owners are limited to a wooden rattlesnake.

Lemurs, marmosets, squirrel monkeys and capuchins must be registered. Registration required for authorized capuchin monkeys belonging to a person with a severe and permanent motor disability. While there are no federal regulations for primate ownership, each state really does its own thing. There are states like Arizona that don`t regulate monkey ownership at all, and others, like West Virginia, that ban very specific types of monkeys. Ohio residents cannot have more than four of each species of collectible reptiles or native wild amphibians to collect. Service spider monkeys are allowed. Even though owning a sugar glider is legal in your area, you should think twice before having one as a pet. They are nocturnal and want a dark environment during the day. Their food, consisting of specialized water and nectar drinks, can be hard to find.

Like pets, sugar gliders require regular veterinary care, but most veterinarians do not take care of them. Maybe you`ve always wanted to own a pet monkey, or you`re wondering if it`s legal for your neighbor to have that cougar in their yard. Luckily for your curiosity, every state has exotic animal laws that allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain animal species. The following article describes some of these state laws in more detail. There are my dreams of owning a liger and a monkey. Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of illegally possessed wildlife. Prehistoric pets – Dogs and cats have been found buried next to their owners in graves dating back 12,000 years! We know that the pharaohs loved cats, but could some of them have kept hyenas, lions and monkeys as companions? If you live in the United States and think you`d like to own an exotic pet, check your state`s laws before buying the pet.
