Space Act Agreement Guide

If you are involved in the space industry or have an interest in space technology, you have probably heard of something called a Space Act Agreement. This type of agreement is becoming increasingly common in the industry, and for good reason. With the commercialization of space and the rise of private space companies, Space Act Agreements offer a flexible way for these companies to work with NASA and other government agencies.

What is a Space Act Agreement?

A Space Act Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between NASA and a private company or organization. These agreements are used when NASA wants to collaborate with a private entity to achieve mutual goals, such as developing new technologies, conducting research, or sharing data.

Unlike traditional government contracts, Space Act Agreements are much more flexible and allow for a greater degree of collaboration between the parties. They can be used to provide resources and expertise to a private company, or to allow a private company to use NASA facilities and equipment.

Why are Space Act Agreements important?

Space Act Agreements are important because they allow NASA to work with private companies to accelerate the development of new space technologies. These agreements provide a way for NASA to share its expertise and resources with private companies, which can help to reduce the cost and time required for development.

For private companies, Space Act Agreements provide a way to access NASA`s facilities and equipment, as well as its expertise. This can be especially valuable for startups and smaller companies that may not have the resources to develop technologies on their own.

How to get a Space Act Agreement

If you are interested in obtaining a Space Act Agreement, the first step is to identify what type of collaboration you are interested in pursuing with NASA. This could include research and development, testing and evaluation, technology transfer, or other types of partnerships.

Once you have identified the type of collaboration you are interested in, you can contact NASA`s Office of the Chief Technologist to discuss your proposal. You will need to provide information about your company and the proposed collaboration, as well as your goals and objectives.

If NASA is interested in working with your company, they will draft a Space Act Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the collaboration. You will need to review and sign the agreement before the collaboration can begin.


Space Act Agreements are an important tool for the space industry, providing a flexible and collaborative way for private companies and government agencies like NASA to work together. If you are interested in pursuing a Space Act Agreement, be sure to carefully consider your goals and objectives and reach out to NASA`s Office of the Chief Technologist to discuss your proposal. With the right partnership, your company could help shape the future of space technology.
